At Command in Linux | Linuxize


at is a command-line utility that allows you to schedule commands to be executed at a particular time. Jobs created with at are executed only once.

In this article, we will explain how to use at and its companion utilities batch, atq, atrm to view, delete, and create jobs to be executed at a later time.

Installing at #

Depending on the distribution, at may or may not be present on your Linux system.

If at is not installed, you can easily install it using the package manager of your distribution.

  • Install at on Ubuntu and Debian

    sudo apt update sudo apt install at
  • Install at on CentOS and Fedora

    sudo yum install at

Once the program is installed make sure atd, the scheduling daemon is running and set to start on boot:

sudo systemctl enable --now atd

How to Use the at Command #

The simplified syntax for the at command is as follows:

The at command takes the date and time (runtime) when you want to execute the job as a command-line parameter, and the command to be executed from the standard input.

Let’s create a job that will be executed at 9:00 am:

at 09:00

Once you hit Enter, you’ll be presented with the at command prompt that most often starts with at>. You also see a warning that tells you the shell in which the command will run:

warning: commands will be executed using /bin/sh

Enter one or more command you want to execute:

tar -xf /home/linuxize/file.tar.gz

When you’re done entering the commands, press Ctrl-D to exit the prompt and save the job:

at> <EOT>
job 4 at Tue May  5 09:00:00 2020

The command will display the job number and the execution time and date.

There are also other ways to pass the command you want to run, besides entering the command in the at prompt. One way is to use echo
and pipe the command to at:

echo "command_to_be_run" | at 09:00

Another option is to use Here document

at 09:00 <<ENDcommand_to_be_runEND

To read the commands from a file instead of the standard input, invoke the command with -f option following by the path to the file. For example, to create a job that will run the script /home/linuxize/

at 09:00 -f /home/linuxize/

By default if the command produces output, at will send an email including the output to the user once the job is completed. Invoke at with the -M option to suppress the email notification:

at 09:00 -M

at 09:00 -m

batch Command #

batch or its alias at -b schedules jobs and executes them in a batch queue when the system load level permit. By default, the jobs are executed when the system load average is below 1.5. The value of the load can be specified when invoking the atd daemon. If the system load average is higher the specified one, the jobs will wait in the queue.

To create a job with batch, pass the commands you want to execute:

echo "command_to_be_run" | batch

Specifying the Execution Time #

The at utility accepts a wide range of time specifications. You can specify time, date, and increment from the current time:

  • Time – To specify a time, use the HH:MM or HHMM form. To indicate a 12-hour time format, use am or pm after the time. You can also use strings like now, midnight, noon, or teatime (16:00). If the specified time is passed, the job will be executed the next day.

  • Date – The command allows you to schedule job execution on a given date. The date can be specified using the month name followed by the day and an optional year. You can use strings, such as today, tomorrow, or weekday. The date can be also indicated using the MMDD[CC]YY, MM/DD/[CC]YY, DD.MM.[CC]YY or [CC]YY-MM-DD formats.

  • Incrementat also accepts increments in the now + count time-unit format, where count is a number and time-unit can be one of the following strings: minutes, hours, days, or weeks.

Time, date and increment can be combined, here are few examples:

  • Schedule a job for the coming Sunday at a time ten minutes later than the current time:

    at sunday +10 minutes
  • Schedule a job to run at 1pm two days from now:

    at 1pm + 2 days
  • Schedule a job to run at 12:30 Oct 21 2020:

    at 12:30 102120
  • Schedule a job to run one hour from now:

    at now +1 hours

You can also specify a time and date in the [[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm[.ss] using the -t option. Here is an example:

at -t 202005111321.32

Specifying Queue #

By default, the jobs created with at are scheduled in the queue named a and jobs created with batch are scheduled in the b queue.

Queries can have a name from a to z and A to Z. Queues with lower letters run with lower niceness, which means they have priority over those with higher letters.

You can specify the queue with the -q option. For example, to set a job in the L queue, you would run:

at monday +2 hours -q L

Listing Pending Jobs #

To list the user’s pending jobs run the atq or at -l command:


The output will list all jobs, one per line. Each line includes the job number, date, time, queue letter, and username.

9	  Tue May  5 12:22:00 2020 a linuxize
12	Wed Oct 21 12:30:00 2020 a linuxize
15	Tue May  5 09:00:00 2020 a linuxize
6	  Tue May  5 09:00:00 2020 a linuxize
13	Mon May  4 23:08:00 2020 a linuxize
11	Wed Jul  1 10:00:00 2020 a linuxize
4	  Tue May  5 09:00:00 2020 a linuxize

When atq is invoked as an administrative user, it will list the pending jobs of all users.

Removing Pending Jobs #

To remove a pending job invoke the atrm or at -r command followed by the job number. For example, to remove the job with number nine, you would run:

atrm 9

Restricting Users #

The /etc/at.deny and /etc/at.allow files allow you to control which users can create jobs with at or batch command. The files consist of a list of usernames, one user name per line.

By default, only the /etc/at.deny file exists
and is empty, which means that all users can use the at command. If you want to deny permission to a specific user, add the username to this file.

If the /etc/at.allow file exists only the users who are listed in this file can use the at command.

If neither of the files exists, only the users with administrative privileges can use the at command.

Conclusion #

The at utility reads commands from standard input and executes them at a later time. Unlike crontab
, jobs created with at are executed only once.

For more information about all available options of the at command type man at in your terminal.

If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment.


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