Basename Command in Linux


basename is a command-line utility that strips directory and trailing suffix from given file names.

Using the basename Command

The basename command supports two syntax formats:

basename NAME [SUFFIX]
basename OPTION... NAME...

basename takes a filename and prints the last component of the filename. Optionally, it can also remove any trailing suffix. It is a simple command that accepts only a few options.

The most basic example is to print the file name with the leading directories removed:

basename /etc/passwd

The output will include the file name:


The basename command removes any trailing / characters:

basename /usr/local/basename /usr/local

Both commands will produce the same output:


By default, each output line ends in a newline character. To end the lines with NUL, use the -z (--zero) option.

Multiple Inputs

The basename command can accept multiple names as arguments. To do so, invoke the command with the -a (--multiple) option, followed by the list of files separated by space.

For example, to get the file names of /etc/passwd
and /etc/shadow
you would run:

basename -a /etc/passwd /etc/shadow

Removing a Trailing Suffix

To remove any trailing suffix from the file name, pass the suffix as a second argument:

basename /etc/hostname name

Generally, this feature is used to strip file extensions:

basename /etc/sysctl.conf .conf

Another way to remove a trailing suffix is to specify the suffix with the -s (--suffix=SUFFIX) option:

basename -s .conf /etc/sysctl.conf

This syntax form allows you to strip any trailing suffix from multiple names:

basename -a -s .conf /etc/sysctl.conf /etc/sudo.conf


The following example shows how to use the basename command inside a bash for loop
to rename all files
ending with “.jpeg” in the current directory by replacing the file extension from “.jpeg” to “.jpg”:

for file in *.jpeg; do
    mv -- "$file" "$(basename $file .jpeg).jpg"

If you are using bash as your shell, instead of invoking basename, you can use strip the trailing extension using Shell Parameter Expansion


If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to leave a comment.


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